Next Regular Board Meeting: November 15, 2023 at 7 p.m. after the AGM
Our next Board meeting will be held in the WLLID office in the Wasa Community Hall. The public is welcome to attend all regular board meetings and if you wish to address the board, please consult the Meeting Procedures Bylaw for the proper protocol. Email us for any further information at [email protected]
2023 Taxes
2023 tax notices have gone out - check your mailboxes. Due July 15th, 2023. 10% late penalty has been added to all accounts whose payments were not received by the due date. Overdue tax statements will be mailed/emailed in September. Please contact [email protected] to confirm tax balance owing.
Pay by:
1. E-transfer [email protected] 2. Mail a cheque payable to WLLID to Box 133, Wasa BC V0B 2K0C V0C 2K0
Please reference the invoice # and owner name
Under Bylaw #76 of the Wasa Lake Land Improvement District, taxes have been levied for the year 2023 for each and every parcel of land within the district. Tax is $50 per parcel. Payment must be received by July 15 or a 10% penalty shall be added to your account. Dishonoured cheques will incur service charges and are considered non-payment of taxes.
Every effort has been made to keep our records up to date. If there are errors on your notice (such as address or name), or if you require further information please contact us.
Annual General Meeting will be held at the Wasa Community Hall on November 15th. The Board will present financial statements and report on the yearly activities.
Court of Revision
The purpose of the Court of Revision is to alter your group classification only (according to the Local Government Act 361.3 Subsection 2), or if there is an error respecting name or address on the assessment roll, inclusion of parcel, or if an exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed. Please give written notice of your desire to be heard.